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A member registered Apr 11, 2020

Recent community posts

I just wanted to toss in my appreciation for the work that you have put into gathering all of the sneak peaks and compiling it all into an easy to follow channel.  I looked through it and was pleasantly surprised....I am now checking back frequently and chomping at the bit to build my first 3d Dungeon.  So thank YOU and Thanks to PF for the work on the community and for work on the next FS Update!

Be Safe and Take Care!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to reply!  I 150% understand!  Be safe, Stay Healthy, and Enjoy the extra time with the kids!

I know that the world is considerably up-ended at the moment....and that it would be silly to expect any sort of immediate update.  However, is there a roadmap for what we can look forward to as it pertains to the future of FLOWSCAPE? 

Hints at coming plans?  Glimpse at new assets?  Anything that can be shared?